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Bare Metal to Cloud: Sprint 3 Planning

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Bare Metal to Cloud 03x01 Planning


Sprint planning, from start to finish. Let’s get going! Welcome to the THIRD sprint planning in the series. Can you believe it, third time already! With the lessons learned from the previous sprints, we’ll attempt to plan for the next sprint even more accurately. We’ll go through backlog refinement, planning and define our goal for the sprint and the deliverable we want to have by the end of it. So let’s get to it!


Every good scrum planning starts with a scrum board - we’re using Trello, but you can use whatever you prefer or already have in your organization.

Before the refinement

Bare Metal to Cloud 02x02 Review Tasks After

This is our trello board right after the last sprint review. So let’s start with the refinement tasks:

  1. Remove tasks from done and freezebox.
  2. Move undone tasks from the sprint back to the backlog.
  3. Re-evaluate the effort of the tasks in the pipeline if applicable knowledge surfaced.
  4. Add technical debt tasks.
  5. Add any subtasks that arose after the review.

After the refinement

Bare Metal to Cloud 03x01 Planning Refinement

Now we have a neat and polished backlog, ready to pick and select the tasks. Before we do, though, we need to select the timeframe.The third sprint will have 7 working days, so we need to plan according to that number. There is of course some sense of linear progression of the migration, but as we get closer to being done with the basic migration structure, we will soon be able to mix and match the tasks.


Moving on to the planning phase now. Let’s just remind ourselves the effort estimations we’re using - the t-shirt sizes!

  1. Small = an hour of work
  2. Medium = a half a day of work
  3. Large = a day of work

With that in mind along with 7 days of work, I will now select the appropriate tasks.

Bare Metal to Cloud 03x01 Planning

There, I think that’s about it. The main focus are clearly the Python components. It is the most vital part of the system so it’s important we get it right.

Name Label Assumed Size
Create git repository for Data Eater and Data Feeder Ops Small
Create container for Data Eater Dev Large
Create container for Data Feeder Dev Large
Deploy Swift Object Storage Service Ops Medium
Deploy MongoDB Service Ops Medium
Deploy Data Eater to single VM Ops Large
Deploy Data Feeder to single VM Ops Large
Test Data Eater integration with other services Ops Large
Test Data Feeder integration with other services Ops Large

Total: 7.2 man/days

Wrap up

So, that’s all for the planning and as always - ready for action. I’ll see you tomorrow for our daily standup. The streams have proved to be a great format so I’ll stick to it for now.

But let’s hear you now - How do you do your sprint planning? Do you play sprint poker for estimates? Do you have heated debates over the estimations? Let me know on any social platform - facebook, twitter or instagram!