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Weekly Changelog @ Pixeesoft

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Hello and welcome to our Weekly Changelog mapping out everything that happened last week. Here we summarize everything and link all useful content that you might have missed.


Most of the people in Switzerland spend their vacation either swimming or hiking in the mountains, but me? Nah…I GEEK OUT! I had the opportunity to go and see the exhibition of the history of video games in the ZKM museum in Karlsruhe, Germany.


Of course it wasn’t the only thing. There was hiking involved 😅

Viewpoint of Karlsruhe

While relaxing is an important part of vacation, so is an occassional check in. I left out publishing of the Sprint 3 Review to Friday, in order to NOT GET SCREWED OVER by the YouTube algorithm. I shot it in Switzerland and cut and published it in Germany. Can we be an international company now? Anyway…

Sprint Review

We closed another chapter - our third sprint and so we have to sit down and reflect on what worked well and what didn’t. We evaluated how well we reached our goal and started a brand new section of the review: K.A.L.M.

“What is that?” You might ask…I’ll let you find out 😉

Post is here, video below:


Other than that, that really is IT. Pun absolutely intended! Seriously - we all need to relax from time to time and leave the world of 0s and 1s to come back even stronger and introduce bugs the world has never seen before.

Thank you for being here with us on this incredible journey. Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. And keep an eye out on our open-source endeavors on GitHub as well!

See you out there! 👋